Less than a week till big V-Day,and I do have planned some big surprises for you boys. You know I'm always to good to you My lil perves.But before that,you need to show Me you deserve a surprise from Me. How will you do that? Humm...good question,I'm sure you also know the answer.By spending big! ...so get to it. Spend as much as you can on My clips and send Me the receipt if you want your gift,if I like the amount you spend,I will record a glamorous clip (based on your likes) just for you and you only.It will be the best Valentine gift you ever received from a woman. My fabulous Self will acknowledge your existence and even say your name,imagine your name coming out from My lips,just imagine it. It's so tempting,isn't it?
Start buying

And since I like to "push" you,I will give you just a few days to make your BIG shopping,you have till Saturday (included)to impress Me. Have fun shopping!
P.S. $50,...,$200 spend on My clips aint enaught to impress Me,so...don't dare to ask anything from Me.